A Feast of Verses: Celebrating the Holidays with Poem and Food Pairings

As the holiday season unfolds, a delightful fusion of poetry and culinary delights awaits. Just as a perfectly paired wine complements a sumptuous meal, the union of poets and holiday foods creates a sensory experience that transcends the page. Join us on a poetic journey, where the words of some of our favorite poets intertwine with the flavors of festive fare, creating a feast of verses for our senses.


“Hope is the thing with feathers” by Emily Dickinson and Sugar Cookies

To kick off our literary banquet, let’s delve into the contemplative verses of Emily Dickinson. Her poem “Hope is the thing with feathers” is a perfect match for the simplicity and sweetness of sugar cookies. As Dickinson’s insightful words explore the resilience of hope, they create a harmonious balance with the comforting aroma and delicate taste of these holiday treats, inviting readers to savor both the profound and the delicious.



Joy” by Langston Hughes and Mulled Wine

Langston Hughes, a leading figure of the Harlem Renaissance, brings a touch of warmth and levity to our holiday gathering. His poem “Joy” resonates with the celebratory atmosphere, and it pairs seamlessly with the rich, aromatic notes of mulled wine. As Hughes’ words dance with rhythm and soul, the spiced wine adds depth to the literary experience, creating a symphony of flavors that celebrate the festive spirit.


Broken English” by Rupi Kaur and Samosas

Rupi Kaur’s contemporary poetry, marked by its raw honesty and evocative language, pairs seamlessly with the bold and savory notes of samosas. In her poem “Broken English,” Kaur navigates the complexities of cultural identity, mirroring the intricate spices found in the samosas. This pairing invites readers to embark on a sensory journey that transcends cultural boundaries and speaks to the universal human experience.



Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou and Pumpkin Pie

Maya Angelou’s resonant and empowering poetry finds its match in the classic comfort of pumpkin pie. Her poem “Caged Bird” echoes themes of resilience and liberation, resonating with the nostalgic aroma of spiced pumpkin. This pairing encapsulates the essence of gathering around a holiday table, where stories are shared, and souls are nourished by both literature and the sweetness of a well-baked pie.



Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver and Cranberry Sauce

Mary Oliver, celebrated for her profound connection to nature, seamlessly pairs with the tangy sweetness of cranberry sauce. In her poem “Wild Geese,” Oliver’s verses, inspired by the natural world, align with the vibrant burst of flavor found in the ruby-red condiment. This combination invites readers to revel in the beauty of the outdoors and the delectable tartness of cranberries.



Tonight I Can Write” by Pablo Neruda and Champagne

As we raise our glasses in poetic celebration, the effervescent verses of Pablo Neruda find harmony in the bubbles of champagne. Neruda’s poem “Tonight I Can Write” captures the passion and romanticism mirrored in the elegance and sophistication of this celebratory drink. Together, they create a toast to love, life, and the joyous moments that punctuate our holiday gatherings.


In this celebration of poets and holiday food pairings, we have embarked on a culinary and literary adventure that spans cultures, eras, and tastes. Each poet and food pairing invites us to savor the richness of language and the flavors that define the holiday season. As we gather around tables filled with both poetry and gastronomic delights, may this fusion of literary and culinary arts inspire warmth, connection, and a shared appreciation for the diverse voices that enrich our festive celebrations.