6 Spiritual Tarot Decks Released in 2023

Poetry and tarot have a long-standing connection, with each craft informing the other as a source of inspiration. Poets have written about the cards’ universal and timeless archetypes and themes. Tarot decks have also depicted famous poets and writers across the cards. Plus, poets have used tarot to inform their writing practices and careers. Whether you have a history of embracing the tarot’s teachings and want a new deck to add to your collection, or are searching for a first deck to get you started, these six are some of the best recent releases. 


Tarot for the Great Outdoors


These cards illustrate national parks and other public lands, as well as popular recreational activities and hobbies – from the adventure of wind-surfing and hiking, to the scenic relaxation of sleeping under the stars. This deck honors the role of nature in our daily lives and in shaping our futures. 


The Realest Oracle: Finding Magic in the Mundane


The Tarot is a nod to the magic in our everyday lives and this deck portrays the more routine moments as a way of honoring them. These cards showcase daily activities like riding public transit and mastering the art of putting together Ikea furniture. In addition to making tarot commonplace and realistic, this deck also highlights queerness and diversity. 


The Herbal Tea Magic for the Modern Witch Oracle Deck


Many poets love to curl up with a cup of tea while reading or writing. This deck visually represents some of the most popular teas and the herbs. Pull a card or two to celebrate these herbs’ healing priorities and incorporate them into your daily tea dosage. 


The Wandering Heart Deck


Poet and self-love advocate Reyna Biddy wrote and conceptualized this tarot deck alongside artist Muri Lugh. Biddy calls upon the transformational powers of the cards and taps into one of the Tarot’s many powers – honoring ancestral connections and tapping into one’s deep cultural roots. 


Cozy Witch Tarot


The Cozy Witch Tarot is another deck written and brainstormed by a poet, this one by Amanda Lovelace. Through these cards, Lovelace builds upon and fleshes out the feminist spirituality and mysticism in her best-selling poetry. Like her collection the witch doesn’t burn in this one, this tarot links modern-day life to the sacredness of witchery. 


The Nap Ministry’s Rest Deck


The Nap Ministry has more than half a million followers on Instagram, where creator Tricia Hersey uplifts and evangelizes the power of rest in a society of late-stage capitalism and constant exhaustion. Pull a card from this deck for tips and ideas to incorporate relaxation, leisure, and recuperation into your life. 


Here’s to poetry in your future!