writing space

How to Boost the Positive Vibes in Your Writing Space

Have you ever thought about how your writing space may be affecting your work? Distractions, writer’s block, negativity, and more can wreak havoc on our writing environment and make it challenging to put pen to paper. But don’t worry—there are a few things we can do, both physically and mentally, to protect our writing space and give ourselves a positive boost so we can produce at our best. 


Choose a few things to associate with your writing space.

Pick out some favorite items to associate with your writing space. Whether you write in an office or at the kitchen table, you can make your writing time special by adding a few personal touches. Think of a favorite coffee mug that you could use exclusively while writing. Select a favorite journal or pen. Create a relaxing playlist that you listen to as you are brainstorming and composing. This may help incentivize your writing time for the days you need a little bit of extra motivation. 


Remember that your writing space includes your headspace. 

It can be very difficult to focus on writing when you are juggling multiple projects or are distracted by too much background noise. Find ways to turn down the noise around you so you’re less likely to be impacted by it. Consider putting your phone on airplane mode so you’ll feel less distracted by the option of a social media binge. Explore different environments until you find what helps you focus the most. This may mean soft music or no music. This may mean being outside or being at a designated office space. You can have the most beautiful writing space in the world, but if your head isn’t in it, you’re less likely to find the focus you need. Wherever you feel most able to tune out the world around you and tune into a writing flow, that’s going to be your best place to put pen to paper. 


Allow Your Writing to Serve Different Purposes as Needed. 

Writing can feel impossible when our minds are full of clutter and distractions. With such chaotic schedules, it can be easy to let the worries of the day overflow into our writing time. Be flexible with your expectation of your writing time, but try and stay consistent with the action of writing. Some days, you may need to allow yourself to work out some feelings or emotions on paper. Other days, you may be working under a deadline and have a specific word count that demands your attention. Each day might look a little different, but try and carve out the time you need to devote to writing. The easiest way to do this for me is to set a specific time and stick to that same time every day. If you prefer flexibility in your writing time, that’s okay too. Find a rhythm that works for you and that allows for you to explore a myriad of writing content: writing for a job or specific outcome and also writing for emotional release or with a goal of simply brainstorming and getting ideas on paper. 


Surround yourself with reminders of why you write in the first place. 

Make a collage of the people who inspire you most on your writing journey. Write out a list of writing goals to help keep the fire burning within you when you weather dry spells of writer’s block. Take a moment to really appreciate the times when someone has gone out of their way to compliment your writing or share what your words have meant to them. (Maybe, take a screenshot of an encouraging comment you’ve received or keep a letter close from a loved one who has been cheering you on.) Also, take the time in your writing space to encourage other writers in your community to keep going and keep writing. This helps defeat a scarcity mindset and will help you nurture relationships with other writers as well. These types of practices will remind you that connection to the people you write for matters and that the reasons you write matter. 


There are so many fun ways to increase the positivity in your writing space, both in your physical space and in your headspace. Make it special, make room for different types of writing days, and make encouraging others and tuning in with your “why” regular practices. I hope that this article helps you fine-tune your unique writing space and adds a little light and encouragement to it wherever you may be.