What if my life is too “boring” to write about? Suri Chan asks you to write anyway

So many people say they can’t possibly be a writer because they have nothing interesting to say. This makes me want to shake them by the shoulders; they could not be more wrong. 


Writing is about emotions above anything else.


Writing can feature complex language and novel experiences—but it doesn’t have to!


With every fiber of my being, I believe that everyone has a story to tell. Even if you’re a 20-year-old living with your parents in a small town, or feel as if your life is “boring”, you can write poignant poetry.


As long as you’re honest and vulnerable, there will always be someone to read your writing and say, “me too.”


Everyone can write poetry. Everyone is a poet. Everyone is a poem. 


We’re all connected by the thread of our universal, human experiences. 


You don’t need to live a glamorous life of adventure to write well. You just need to feel and observe. 


To be alive is beautiful and poignant in itself. 


The “boring” parts of your day are bursting with color and richness, even if they seem perfectly ordinary on the surface. You just need to learn how to get to the juicy underbelly of it!


What if I don’t have the technical skills or vocabulary?


Again, emotions > everything else. 


Everyday language can paint striking pictures when used well. Sometimes simplicity cuts straight to the artery of a concept. 


Suri Chan the poet


In my book, But I Don’t Feel Empowered, I turn complex emotional landscapes into simple, hard-hitting lines. 


There’s a poem called “the well of generational trauma,” where I talk about breaking toxic familial cycles. Here’s an excerpt:


My parents drank from the well.

There was no baptism

or ceremony. Where I lived, 

the poison was in the water. 


If you want to read the full-length version, you’ll have to get my book! It also features poems on topics like love, womanhood, heartbreak, and the queer Asian experience. 


Suri’s Writing Tips


  1. Believe you have a story to tell. This is the first, and probably the most important, step. 
  2. Write first, edit later. Give yourself the freedom to pour out your raw, messy feelings onto the page without judgment. That’s part of the magic. 
  3. Don’t worry about not having the technical skills or a wide vocabulary. Hone into your feelings!
  4. But also—read, read, and read some more. This is how you can slowly grow your writer-ly instincts, as well as skill and vocabulary. 
  5. Don’t feel shy about using your personal experiences. This is helpful even when writing fiction. 
  6. Don’t be afraid to be cringe. That’s how you grow. 
  7. And finally—share your work. You are a writer, and you have so many interesting things to say. 


To learn more about Suri Chan, check out her website or follow her on IG and TikTok.