Beau Taplin Talks Beauty, Writing, and J.R.R. Tolkien
“My own path has always been one of death and rebirth, rising and falling. It brings me comfort to recognize that these ‘ends’ aren’t ends at all, but just another necessary part of the process, like the turning of seasons, or the cycle between night and day.”
-Beau Taplin
Poets have the power to transform pain, happiness, and challenging circumstances into art. It is this gift that serves to bring people together to relate to one another and connect in new ways.
Beau Taplin is a writer who works hard to create magic out of experiences and emotions. At his core, Beau is a storyteller who strives to make sense of the world around him through poetry and prose. His work has spoken to many souls and has been shared countless times by people from all around the world who find comfort in his ability to speak in a deeply personal, yet relatable way.
Beau is such a talented poet, and it was a pleasure to speak with him about how poetry has changed him and what it means to him. He even shared some of his favorite books with us and some exciting news about his future plans. I hope you enjoy reading this interview as much as I enjoyed conducting it.
Liz Newman: What life experiences would you say have shaped you the most as a person and a writer?
Beau Taplin: I suppose what has shaped me most is how I experience the world. I’ve always experienced my own life in stories, as though they were things lifted straight from a page of fiction. And I’ve always viewed the world as a fundamentally magical place, where all manner of impossible wonders exist just beyond what we can see and touch. I experience all things in a dramatic fashion, and I would say it’s this that has shaped me more than any single life experience in particular.
LN: How did you first start sharing your words? Was it scary to put your work out there? Did other people’s reactions surprise you?
BT: I have been sharing my writings in one form or another for most of my life. I’m grateful to say I never found it frightening in the beginning. Though honestly some self-doubt has creeped in as my audience has grown, it would have stalled my learning and progress completely had I experienced [earlier]. As to others’ reactions, it’s strange to say because it seems obvious to me now, but I did find it surprising in the beginning to see others relate to what I felt were such personal stories.
LN: What are your top three favorite books, poetry or otherwise, that have changed your life the most?
BT: The Lord of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien taught me that stories were much more than stories, that they are rather reflections of who we are and the paths we each take. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman inspired in me a love for the elegance and simplicity of language. And I know this is cheating, but every Enid Blyton book I ever read as a young child, because I now suspect this is when the seeds of what I do today were first sown.
LN: Your poetry speaks to a huge audience and has been shared countless times all over the internet. What are some of the coolest places or ways you’ve seen your work shared?
BT: Not more than two days ago I was sent an image of a piece of mine hanging on the wall of a therapist’s office somewhere in the world. It’s things like this that move me most. These reminders that I may be playing even the smallest part in a stranger improving their own life bring me no end of encouragement, because it has always been words and stories that have led me to improve my own [life].
LN: If you had to choose one or two of your poems as your all-time personal favorites or that required special time and detail to write, which would you choose? What about them makes them stand apart?
BT: It is by no means my best writing, but I will always be fond of this piece: “Your body is not a temple. Temples can be destroyed and desecrated. Your body is a forest — thick canopies of maple trees and sweet-scented wildflowers sprouting in the underwood. You will grow back, over and over, no matter how badly you are devastated.”
I suppose because it is so true to me. My own path has always been one of death and rebirth, rising and falling. It brings me comfort to recognize that these ‘ends’ aren’t ends at all, but just another necessary part of the process, like the turning of seasons, or the cycle between night and day.
LN: What has poetry done for you as a person, and what do you hope readers take away when reading one of your poetry collections?
BT: Writing has given me purpose and a place in the world. It carried me when I had nothing else and has gifted me with a life I would have never known otherwise. And I think my primary message to others has always been that there is some beauty to be found in all things. That through both positive experiences and painful ones there is always the opportunity to grow.
LN: Aside from poetry, what are some of your other passions? Do you have any other projects currently in the works?
BT: I have been working on my first all new collection since Bloom, almost three years ago now. This has been taking all my attention. I want to reveal everything right now of course, but I will keep my secrets for the moment.
Fans of Beau’s work can be excited to hear that a new collection is in the works! As for the details, we will just have to wait and see. Be sure to follow Beau to stay up to date on his work and poetry collection updates.