Flowers On The Moon poetry collection

Poets to remind you to take care of yourself in mind, body, and spirit

Poets to remind you to take care of yourself in mind, body, and spirit


Taking care of yourself in mind, body, and spirit is easier said than done. The World Health Organization (WHO) is celebrating Self-Care Month throughout July, ramping up to self-care day on the 24th. WHO will be sharing tips, facts, and new guidelines that will address mental health, reproductive health, sexual health, and management of chronic health conditions, as well as a general look at self-care practices. As you follow along with WHO, take a look at three poets whose work not only addresses the hardships of taking care of yourself but also offers guidance for practicing self-care.


Caroline Kaufman (aka @poeticpoison)


Author Caroline Kaufman is a beacon of light for all young adults when it comes to self-care. In her 2018 collection, Light Filters In, the highs and lows of learning self-love are deeply explored. Bravely touching on themes of sexual assault, self-harm, mental illness, and healing, Kaufman beautifully creates pieces that remind us we are not alone in our battles. This strong yet delicate collection of poems is filled with pain but also hope for happiness. It provides an honest look at how self-care can be practiced even in the darkest days. Her second collection, When the World Didn’t End, is also a source of light in the tunnel, building off her first collection’s discoveries. It follows the tug-of-war journey of Kaufman growing into who she is meant to be while confronting a scarred past. Kaufman’s work will resonate with anyone struggling with living inside themselves and will help you float to the surface using everything you’ve been through as a way to persevere into a brighter tomorrow.


Excerpt: Light Filters In

Page 171


I am still learning

to let myself grow.

I am still learning

that it is not selfish to let myself become

the person I am meant to be.


Billy Chapata


Billy Chapata is a Zimbabwean poet whose work reflects his own journey of self-love. His collections focus on empowerment, healing, love, and transformation, encouraging readers to live in their truth. His books Flowers on the Moon and Chameleon Aura both offer advice on how to practice the essential act of selfishness. Chapata boldly challenges readers to choose themselves in order to heal, grow, and prosper. Even in the aftermath of trauma there is hope, and that is exactly what his collections promote. Whether you’re struggling with mental, physical, or relationship trauma of any kind, Chapata’s insightful pieces will find a home in your wounds. Healing is never easy, but with the universality of art, it can be a little less daunting—which is exactly why collections like these are a great resource for anyone looking for an extra outlet to self-care.


Excerpt: Flowers on the Moon

Page 6


magical mileage.

let the distance you’ve created between

yourself and the people who hurt you

create the space you need to heal.

let the energy between the distance

be a reminder to the ones who took

you for granted that you know your worth.


Courtney Peppernell


Courtney Peppernell, author of the famous Pillow Thoughts series, blend’s themes of loving others and loving yourself brilliantly in her collections. There are four installments to her Pillow Thoughts series, and every single installment gives simple insights into feelings of personal defeat. Many of the poems in these collections capture what it’s like on days when waking up is hard or when believing you matter is impossible. But instead of living in the negative, the pieces pull readers out of their obsessive thoughts to show them there is more. Peppernell is honest in her delivery and chooses to not ignore the sadness but embrace it as something beautiful. Whether you’re having a good day or a bad day, her soft words will find you and support you in every stage of your self-care journey.


Excerpt: Pillow Thoughts III


When the only thought you have had for the day is whether

you will ever be enough, remember the softness of your heart

and the person you have become. There will be days you feel

like coming undone, but you are your biggest fan, and your

priority should always be to hold your own hand.


Take time for yourself to focus on health and wellness using these collections and the advice from WHO.