The Moon was but a Chin of Gold
A Night or two ago—
And now she turns Her perfect Face
Upon the World below—
Her Forehead is of Amplest Blonde—
Her Cheek—a Beryl hewn—
Her Eye unto the Summer Dew
The likest I have known—
Her Lips of Amber never part—
But what must be the smile
Upon Her Friend she could confer
Were such Her Silver Will—
And what a privilege to be
But the remotest Star—
For Certainty She take Her Way
Beside Your Palace Door—
Her Bonnet is the Firmament—
The Universe—Her Shoe—
The Stars—the Trinkets at Her Belt—
Her Dimities—of Blue—
-Emily Dickinson
Humans, especially women, have a profound and intimate connection to the moon.
The Moon represents powerful feminine energy, signifying wisdom, intuition, birth, death, reincarnation, and a spiritual connection. We long for its guidance, we look to it for peace, we crave its attention, we feel its power when it illuminates the night, shining upon us.
The Moon’s cycle is 29.5 days, and it represents a full life-cycle. Each phase of the Moon has a different meaning and rhythm to the body and is similar to that of a seed: the seed grows into a flower, then blooms, and then dies. The lunar phases, when we pay attention to them, can help us become more intuitive and understanding of our own bodies and emotions.
One way to connect to this energy is to use the Moon’s cycle to help set intentions and clear negativity. Here is how the moon can guide you this month and a poem to read during each phase.
New Moon (Beginning Again)
The Moon is positioned between the Earth and Sun, so it cannot be seen from Earth. The themes surrounding the new moon are new beginnings, fresh starts, and clean slates. Considered a low energy time, where there is a lull in life energy, this is a great time to pay close attention to your emotions and make preparations for the new coming into your life.
said the moon
and the new day came
the show must go on said the sun
life does not stop for anybody
it drags you by the legs
whether you want to move forward or not
that is the gift
life will force you to forget how you long for them
your skin will shed till there is not
a single part of you left they’ve touched
your eyes finally just your eyes
not the eyes which held them
you will make it to the end
of what is only the beginning
go on open the door to the rest of it
– Rupi Kaur
Waxing Moon (Setting Intentions)
‘Waxing’ means the Moon’s illumination is growing as it is just one moon phase away from a full moon. The waxing moon represents intention, hopes, and wishes. After recharging under the new moon, your intentions and desires are ready to be planted. Your thoughts are best focused on starting projects, instilling new thought processes, and setting intentions. Think of it from a farmer’s perspective—waxing is a time for planting and growing.
I waited at the edge of the cliff
Seasons passed me by and I whispered
The next one will be the one
Gray hair, wrinkles, and many aches later
I thought I was fooling time
But time was no fool
And its wind pushed me forth
And I jumped
I soared
Only when you decide to jump
Do you realize you can fly
― Jessica Semaan
Full moon (Harvesting)
Because the sun and the moon are on opposite sides of the Earth for a full moon to appear, they are also in opposite zodiac signs. This means emotions are high, and you could feel an increase in creativity and a heightened sense of intuition. Just as farmers reap the benefits of the seeds they planted, you should be reaping the benefits of your intentions set during the new moon. Be open to receiving all the good coming your way during this phase.
Even if you are a small forest surviving off of moon alone,
your light is extraordinary.
― Nayyirah Waheed
Waning Moon (Gratitude)
‘Waning’ refers to the decreasing of the Moon’s illumination once again. This phase signifies gratitude and is the time within the lunar cycle that represents completion and the culmination of all that has come before. Waning is a time for weeding and harvesting and being grateful for all you have received during the full moon.
That vision you created,
goal you fought to attain,
purpose you claimed,
vision you saw repeatedly,
it’s there,
within reach.
waiting for you
and no one else.
you brought it to life
You believed
― Marala Scott