Forget Merit: Write Poems to Express Yourself
What makes a poem “good?” There are a lot of valid, subjective answers to this question, but in many literary circles, the quality of a poem is often judged by whether or not it’s accepted into traditional publishing channels like
6 Types of Poetry to Read on National Read a Book Day
National Read a Book Day, celebrated annually on September 6th, is a day to encourage people to put down their phones, turn off the TV, and immerse themselves in the beauty of reading a good book. Whether you're a casual
How to Start Writing Poetry as a Total Beginner
If you’re searching for an outlet to express your creativity, writing poetry is an accessible way to escape and effectively process your emotions. Unsure where to begin? Here’s how to start writing poetry as a total beginner. Spend time simply freewriting Grab
How Poetry Can Support Your Self-Care Practice This Self-Care Awareness Month
Happy Self-Care Awareness Month! This month serves as a reminder that you deserve to prioritize your well-being. Although self-care looks differently for everyone, this practice involves caring for your health in a holistic way, usually with a focus on mental
5 Poetry Audiobooks to Help You Embrace Autumn
There’s a chill in the air, your morning coffee tastes sweeter, and you’re diving into the possibilities of learning something new—that’s right, fall has finally arrived. On these crisp mornings where you curl up at an open window, go for
5 Sizzling September 2024 Releases
A transitional month, September invites us to reflect on summer and to look forward to fall. It’s full of in-betweens and wistfulness, like a humid day leading into a chilly night. The collections we’ve hand-picked mirror this vibe, traversing a
5 Reading and Writing Prompts to Help You Navigate Grief
August 30 is National Grief Awareness Day, a day dedicated to normalizing grief and opening a dialogue surrounding it. While grief—with all its nuances and non-linear milestones—can be difficult to talk about in the outside world, this complicated emotion and