female poets

Four Collections About Resilience Written by Female Poets

The Modern Poetry movement has introduced us to so many amazing female writers with fresh perspectives and relatable insight. These strong women are stepping into the light of vulnerability to share their work with the world. 


The collections featured in this article do such a great job of not only showcasing strong, individual poetic voices but also lifting up the voices of others through encouragement and shared experiences. These poets project hope and resilience onto each page. While each woman is different, these poetic collections complement one another in such a beautiful way. I encourage you to check them all out and experience the comfort and inspiration that each writer offers with their words. 


Alison Malee, The Day is Ready for You 

This collection was such an encouragement to me when I read it. Alison Malee writes about the things that hurt with such hopeful undertones. She reminds the reader that every experience matters and that our feelings are valid and necessary on our journey to healing. 


Alison does such a great job of acknowledging that life and love can be messy and uncertain. We each have our own path to walk and it requires strength. Her writing helps us hold onto the feeling that we are prepared to step out into the world and face whatever the day brings. I love the title’s inspirational message to the readers: “the day is ready for you.” 


The day is here, and you are more than capable of meeting it. No matter how scared you may feel or how uncertain, you can face your fears, heal in your own time, and learn to love again. You are ready.


Wilder, Nocturnal 

Wilder is a poet who finds new ways to explore the concept of being an old soul. She is gentle and kind, and her writing exudes warmth, page after page. Nocturnal is a special collection that helps remind us of the light that can be found even when surrounded by darkness. Each poem helps take you by the hand, walk with you through emotion, and lead you back toward the light.


Wilder pairs her poems with beautiful images that complement the themes of the book flawlessly. Each page has been meticulously crafted to give the reader an incredible, soulful experience. Wilder helps encourage us to never lose sight of who we are and to never be afraid to explore where our lives are leading us. 


April Green, the “Bloom for Yourself” series 

April Green is another writer I think of as a soothing storyteller. She helps us heal the aches in our hearts we might not even know are there. Her collections focus on what it means to bloom and the many obstacles we have to overcome: trauma, heartbreak, disappointment, and fear. 


Bloom for Yourself uses imagery from nature to remind us that our souls are worth nurturing and that healing is a process that takes time and care. Bloom for Yourself I and II are great books to pick up while tending to your heart and learning to grow in the more challenging seasons of life. 


Lang Leav, Poemsia

While this is not a poetic collection, it is about a modern-day poet and her journey to publication. Leav creates such relatable characters that you find yourself cheering for from Chapter 1. The heart of this book is about staying true to your voice and writing your story in a way that matters. 


Too often, we are tempted to filter and edit our lives to better fit into the world of social media. We get lost in comparisons and trends, and we lose the parts of our voice that should be screaming the loudest. This book is such an encouragement to stay strong amidst the pressures of fitting in and never lose sight of the things that make life truly worthwhile: love, integrity, and courage. 


These women are incredibly encouraging and powerful poets. Each of their voices is unique on its own, and each collection has something so special to offer. But, they all have one thing in common: the effect they have on the reader. 


These women have found a way to connect with their audiences and to tie their collections back to core values of love, healing, acceptance, and hope. It takes exceptional skill to validate the human experience while also holding strong to the light that can be found in our days. These women all accomplish this with such grace, and you’ll love the way they make you experience your emotions in their own ways.